The John Cooper School - Scores

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Date Sport
09/05/24 Football John Cooper River Oaks Baptist
09/05/24 Volleyball - Girls First Baptist0 John Cooper2
09/10/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper2 St. Francis0
09/12/24 Football Annunciation John Cooper
09/12/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper2 River Oaks Baptist1
09/17/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper2 Kinkaid0
09/19/24 Football John Cooper28 St. John's14
09/19/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper0 Second Baptist2
09/24/24 Volleyball - Girls Presbyterian School0 John Cooper2
09/26/24 Volleyball - Girls Annunciation0 John Cooper2
10/01/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper2 Duchesne0
10/08/24 Volleyball - Girls Village0 John Cooper2
10/09/24 Football John Cooper0 Second Baptist32
10/10/24 Volleyball - Girls John Cooper2 Awty1
10/17/24 Football Kinkaid31 John Cooper0
10/17/24 Volleyball - Girls St. John's1 John Cooper2
11/12/24 Basketball - Boys Annunciation43 John Cooper75
11/12/24 Soccer - Boys Annunciation2 John Cooper4
11/12/24 Soccer - Girls John Cooper0 Annunciation2
11/14/24 Basketball - Girls Duchesne33 John Cooper24
11/14/24 Soccer - Girls Duchesne4 John Cooper0
11/21/24 Basketball - Boys John Cooper60 St. Francis50
11/21/24 Basketball - Girls St. Francis28 John Cooper53
11/21/24 Soccer - Boys John Cooper9 St. Francis3
11/21/24 Soccer - Girls St. Francis1 John Cooper6
12/03/24 Basketball - Boys John Cooper49 River Oaks Baptist47
12/03/24 Basketball - Girls River Oaks Baptist35 John Cooper32
12/03/24 Soccer - Boys John Cooper4 River Oaks Baptist3
12/03/24 Soccer - Girls River Oaks Baptist4 John Cooper1
12/10/24 Basketball - Boys John Cooper55 Kinkaid46
12/10/24 Basketball - Girls Kinkaid32 John Cooper40
12/10/24 Soccer - Boys John Cooper5 Kinkaid1
12/10/24 Soccer - Girls Kinkaid4 John Cooper1
12/12/24 Basketball - Boys John Cooper78 Second Baptist57
12/12/24 Basketball - Girls Second Baptist56 John Cooper10
12/12/24 Soccer - Boys John Cooper2 Second Baptist3
12/12/24 Soccer - Girls Second Baptist4 John Cooper1
01/09/25 Basketball - Boys Presbyterian School John Cooper
01/09/25 Basketball - Girls John Cooper Presbyterian School
01/09/25 Soccer - Boys Presbyterian School John Cooper
01/09/25 Soccer - Girls John Cooper Presbyterian School
01/14/25 Basketball - Boys Village John Cooper
01/14/25 Basketball - Girls John Cooper Village
01/14/25 Soccer - Girls John Cooper1 Village0
01/14/25 Soccer - Boys Village6 John Cooper3
01/16/25 Basketball - Boys John Cooper Awty
01/16/25 Basketball - Girls Awty John Cooper
01/16/25 Soccer - Boys John Cooper Awty
01/16/25 Soccer - Girls Awty John Cooper
01/21/25 Basketball - Boys St. John's John Cooper
01/21/25 Basketball - Girls John Cooper St. John's
01/21/25 Soccer - Boys St. John's John Cooper
01/21/25 Soccer - Girls John Cooper St. John's
* Non-conference game